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  • Goonzu
  • Tuesday, January 1, 2008

    The first post of 2008

    About this article:
    About 2 days ago I noticed this video on and I was "touched". I think this movie shows how life in 2008 might be... not always the most happy times, but just remember "todo es possible en el amor" (everything is possible when in love) So in this article I'll tell you how I spent newyear's eve...

    After having a 6 courses menu and watching the countdown and fireworks I stayed awake till 4.30 AM then I went to bed and watched some tv (National Geographic Channel, how you think I know so many thing otherwise? HeHe :D) I closed my eyes around 5.10 AM and "programmed" myself to wake up at 10 AM and so I did without really feeling tired (Perhaps sleeping till 12.30pm the day before helped O_o) If there's one thing I liked this newyear it'd be the games we play and the fact that I was able to stay up that late and still being good to go the day after! Woot Woot!

    In this video the "maker" shows images of window-figures in all sort of artistical poses and while they are shown in a more "advanced slideshow" the song "La Máquina De Vapor" plays. I think the maker tried to show that we all are alike, yet a little different and that each of us have our own stories to tell. The "scene's" shown are not always optimistical ones, but together with this song I think we can conclude that whatever happens... Think possitive! If it's lovewise remember Everything Is Possible When In Love! So I hope this year the ones without a partner may find one and the ones that do, I hope this year will be even better than the last! Don't forget if you don't express yourself in a healthy way, nothing will change! No reaction without ACTION!

    CUT! (just a corny joke :D)

    If you want the lyric or more info about the song played in this video, this can get you started!

    Song : La Máquina De Vapor
    Album : Mecano
    Artist : Mecano

    Hay un disco que me excita
    habla de una relación
    el amor entre un hombre y una máquina a vapor
    siempre lo estoy escuchando
    es mi única canción
    si alguien entra a cambiarlo
    le echo de mi habitación

    no, no no, no quites nunca esa canción
    no no, no seas antigÿo y dejate llevar
    todo es posible en el amor

    EH EH OH, OH OH OH (x4)

    Él le aprieta algunas tuercas
    ella da un beso de gas
    el programa algun registro
    que la haga disfrutar
    el trabajo se convierte
    en su máxima pasión
    el hombre se ha enamorado
    de su propia creación

    no, no no, no quites nunca esa canción
    no no, no seas antigÿo y dejate llevar
    todo es posible en el amor

    EH EH OH, OH OH OH (x8)

    no, no no, no quites nunca esa canción
    no no, no seas antigÿo y dejate llevar
    todo es posible en el amor (x3)

    Lyric Source:

    May 2008 be as colorful and spectacular as the fireworks were on newyears eve! Best whishes for 2008!

    Also I wanted to write down a little about I've been "daily clicking" on (I clicked 357 times in all categories in the past 365 days -> I started on 31 Dec 2006, so I missed 9-11 clicks OR about 1 click a month) and since November the first 2007 I installed the care2 toolbar!

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